About School

About Us

Christian Mission Higher Secondary School is a coed institution. The school is affiliated to Nagaland Board of School Education. It is our earnest desire to impart the best type of education at the best possible expense and enable the young generation to become the fittest in the society by adopting its culture and good tradition.

Nagaland Childrens’ Home School was establish in the year 1972 with the motto “Love Towards Humanity” by Late Mr. S.P. Wetsah the proprietor of the school and later in 1973 it was recognized by Education Department, Directorate, Government of Nagaland. The school which is a non – profit institute for the poor children from nursery stage upward. The school grounded in the biblical Christian faith is part and partial of the home. The projects strive to build lives which will reflect both culture and character to inspire a spirit of service which will honour and fear the creator of all and benefit the man, every child in the home shall compulsorily attend to his/ her school education. Nagaland Childrens’ Home School was permitted to run class 9 in the academic year 1984 and class 10 in 1985 by Mr. K. Peseye (Director of Education Nagaland Kohima). In the year 1991 January 16th the nomenclature Nagaland Childrens’ Home School was changed to Christian Mission School Diphupar with the motto “knowledge Love Serve”.

Our History


I was born on May (most probably on the 25th May 1931) to Mr. Kekhwetso and Zutsonyi-u Wetsah at Chizami village of Phek district, Nagaland. Name Soyelo Wetsah, I came to be known also as S.P. Wetsah, especially for official purposes. I belong to a tribal community called Chakhesang . In the historical account of J.H. Hutton in his work, “The Angami Naga” the name of my native village is called Khezhabama. Some Angamis of my age or of older age refer to Chizami as Khezhabama. I was born in a non- Christian family and was raised in such background till the age of 15 when I decided to become a Christian. Thanks to the broad mindedness of my parents I could join the lower primary school run in our village in 1940. However the school was closed in 1943 on account of the World War II, the effect of which did not spare Nagaland. The school came to be occupied by the Soldiers of the allied army. Then in 1944, the Japanese Imperial Army occupied the village and burned it down. This was followed by heavy air raids by the Allied Forces in attempt to flushed out the Japanese warriors. This led to the total destruction of the village. In January 1945, a school was opened again in which I got enrolled. When I became Christian in January 1945, I was banished from home. I lived like an orphaned would, till 1949. In the last part of October 1949, my parents became Christian themselves and we reunited as a family. In 1951, I joined the government M.E. School in Pfutsero but discontinued in the event of my mother’s death in 1952. Then in 1954, I joined the government High School, Kohimato resume my studies, when the Naga Freedom movement became more intense in 1956 and the Naga National Army occupied Kohima town, consequently cutting all means of communication. So I returned to my native village. The situation remained tense till 1957. In January 1958, I was among the elderly and educated Nagas selected from various tribes by the government of India to meet the Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and President Dr. Rajendra Prasad. We met the former at his office as well as at his residence while the later at his office only. After returning home, I joined St. Anthony’s at Shillong in February 1958. There I met the Assam Chief Minister B.P. Chaliha in October 1959. I was privileged to be chosen joint secretary of the Chakhesang Student Union for the tenure 1959-1960. I discontinued my studies in 1960 and looked for ways to be a service to my community. In 1961, I married Kedu-u, daughter of Ethsulhi Lasuh. We decided to go where we felt our help would be needed. In November and December the same year I went and stayed in Mon town, asking elders where our presence and help would be most valuable. So one Loktun Waoshu advised me to go to Shangnyu, the oldest Konyak village, where people still live half naked, lived on wild fruits for sustenance and were still mighty head-hunters. However, the act of headhunting was not done as openly as earlier days. The traditional chief “Angh” called Ato ruled the village. On the third of January 1962 I set out from Chizami with my young wife, my sister Eyietsulo-u and one cousin Kedulhipe. We reached Mon-Tuesang district 5 days later. We started our works righ ways at Shagnyu village and seven other villages , which were , protected village of its Angh . They were Longpho, Ngasia , Zakhu , Sgangtin , Nogzan and Lapa . The village were on the borders of Arunachal Pradesh ( Indis ) and Burma (Mayanmar) My wife work with a group of women on maternity and family welfare , village sanitation and child care , while my sister Eyietsulo-u worked at in a school . I got involved with village elders on administration , economic upliftmend and village welfare organisation . At that point of time , the deaths were not buried : teophies of head hunting such as heads and hands of the slain were kept for decoration in the “Morungs” (boys dormitories) and the Anghs house , Agricultural products were so meager because of which we organized the eight villages to start a farm in Tizit valley . On the appointed day, three thousand strong men from these villages reached the 250-300 acres of land and worked on it for four days consecutively . the effort resulted in clearing an 400- 500 acres of virgin forest . However , the Government authorities beacem wary and suspicious of our motives because the Naga National Movement was very strong in other parts of the Naga-inhabited areas . My family and relatives were ordered to leave the place immediately and we did so within the following 24 hours . Later , that same year, after the Christmas celebration , I was called to join the Naga Freedom Movement to which I agreed. In March 1963, I was elected the Joint Secretary of the Naga Army Organization, Federal Government of Nagaland. That very same year, when the Chief Minister of Nagaland P. Shilu Ao was in Chakhesang area, I asked the Adjutant General Makhen, Chairman of the Naga Army Organisation , if we should meet the former because he too was a Naga leader in anyway. My superior said it would be okay, and so I made an arrangement to meet him at Chizami but failed to do so in final stage because the CRPF personals came to know about the arrangement and ensure that we could not meet Shilu Ao. During my many journey as freedom fighter, I had been to (Bangladesh) then call East Pakistan, through Southern Manipur , Chin Hills and Chittagong Hills Tract in January 1964. After an intensive training in East Pakistan now Bangladesh for a short period, we started for and reached Nagaland in April. In the meantime, we learned that Rev. Michael Scott had already reached Kohima to broker peace between India and the Naga Freedom Fighters. Many consultative meetings were held after reaching Nagaland. Subsequently, being still very young and energetic, I was sent to Peace Camp Chedema, to bring some news to our camp. On September 4,1964, Chizami my nativity, Enhulumi (also simultaneously called Pfutsemi or Yoseba then) village and Mesulumi village were burnt down by the CRPF Personal and many villagers were either tortured to death or shot dead by the same force. In 1965, I was transferred to Civil section and sent to Hongking state as one minister (Kilonser) Advisor and Corresponding Secretary. Holding this very post, I traveled to Myanmar, Khiamnungan region, Konyak, Ao, Lotha, Sangtam, Yimchunger,Sumi (Sema), Angami, Poumai, Thangkhul and Zeliang regions besides others. During these journeys I encountered orphans, children and women folk suffering and in need of help, care and protection. As mentioned in chapter 1, These encounters changed my perspective and mission of life for good.


My wife Kedu-u and I have been blessed with five sons and one daughter. We live in the Nagaland Children Home campus at Diphupar, Dimapur. Our eldest son Rekhro (Sangkap Zangpai) born in 1962 at Sangnyu is married and is father of three children’s. Our daughter Wekhro-u is also married and is mother of four children. Our second son Jacob is also married and blessed with four Children. Our third son has finished graduation (M.DIV.) from Calcutta Bible College, Kolkota and is currently helping the Home Management. Our fourth son Kuthsolo is married and he is father of three children. Our youngest son Daniel graduated from university of pune. We have also adopted three children. All girls, At present,the eldest name is Lhikolo-u is a student and is helping at home. The second named Rukewe-u has appeared HSLC. And third named Michiile is a student of class 9. Further Development in the Founders Family: Kolhi wetsah is married and is blessed with five children, Daniel wetsah is also married and has three children, lhikolo-u is a single mom and is blessed with one son, Rukewe-u is married and is blessed with two children and is currently residing at Tamenglong, michiile is married and has three children.


The founding of the Nagaland Childrens Home was a result of prayers and many journeys I undertook in various Naga-inhabited place/ areas during the 1960s. I was involved in God made all human beings equal important in his sight. But humans became selfish and began to ignore the less fortunate. In the past, tribal communities had relatives to look after the destitute, but by the time the realization dawn upon me, I found the fatherless and the poor being neglected. Besides, there were so many people lost in the darkness of ignorance. I realized the truth of each person’s responsibility to see to the survival of another fellow- being. Consequently, with prayers in my heart, I left the Naga Naga Freedom movement to start a venture in the humanitarian service dedicated to the poor, destitute children and downtrodden women. This resulted in the formation of Nagaland Childrens’ Home in 1972, with the motto, “LOVE TOWARDS HUMANITY”. The home got registered as a society under the Indian Society Act 1860 (Act XXI of 1860) bearing registration number 636 dated March 6, 1972, and under Nagaland first Amendment 1969 Act R.S. 78 dated November 28,1975. The Home also got registered under Foreign Contribution Registration Act, Ministry of Home Affairs FCRA number 164730004 dated February 11, 1985. The Home as society formulated certain aims and objectives, some of which are stated below:-
a) To render welfare service to the poor, the needy, the destitute and the orphans among the backward tribal people of North Eastern Indian states.
b) To give educational and vocational trainings to the select target group mentioned above, to help them become self reliant and self supporting.
c) To create a congenial atmosphere for physical, psychological, spiritual and moral growth through Christian education, subsequently making the beneficiaries responsible and faithful citizen of the country.
I am glad to state that ever since its inception, the Freedom movement with great conviction till so many encounters with helpless, starving and destitute fellow-Nagas who made me realized that my priority must be to look after such unfortunate fellow- beings. I could not stop it burnt like flame in my heart. management of the Nagaland Childrens’ Home has been devotedly working with the aforementioned objectives as priorities of the first order. While I prepare myself and got to primary organizing, God moved the heart of the people. they began to support me morally and in every other possible way. The department of Social Security and Welfare, Government of Nagaland came to my rescue, and has been of so much help to the Home since then. Various Church Leaders and church organization became prayer partners throughout the world. Besides, many societies from India and abroad began aiding the Home in various ways. World Vision of India has been one of the strongest support.