School timing & Fees

School Timing

  • 8:00 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. LKG & UKG
  • 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for classes 1 to 12
  • School remains close on 2nd and 4th Saturday

*Timings are subject to change as per requirement of the curriculum, or due to the weather.


  • A fee of 100/- is charged for registrations. This amount is non- refundable and no claim should made if the child does not qualify for admission.
  • A date of Birth Certificate from the Municipal authorities (for Urban area) and the Gaon Bura (for Rural areas), must be submitted along with the completed admission form for LKG & UKG. This is compulsory and no alternative is accepted.
  • Admission fee plus annual charges covering examination fee, electricity etc. are taken at the time of admission.
  • Fees are collected monthly on a prescribed date set in advance by the school management before the 10th of every month. Dues not cleared within one month of the prescribed date will impose late fine of Rs. 30/- per month. Defaulters for over a month will be debarred from attending classes and his/ her name may be struck off the register.
  • Tuition fees are payable for 12 months of the year and not remitted during long periods of absence without prior notice he/she will be treated as a new admission and all previous dues will have to be cleared on his/her account to be favorably considered.
  • Rate of fees may be enhanced at any time with due consideration in accordance with the requirements of the school.
  • Results of the quarterly assessment will not be issued unless all dues on his/her account are cleared.
  • Admissions in mid-term will be required to pay fees from the beginning of the term unless remitted at the discretion of the Principal office.
  • Every student is issued a fee receipt book which must be presented at the fee counter with every payment. Fees will not be accepted without the fee receipt book.